Coronavirus Information
Date: Tuesday 22nd September 2020
After 6 months, we are delighted to announce that from today, Tuesday 22nd September, the Museum will reopen.
You are able to book your ticket in advance online here.
We have taken care to ensure the way we reopen is in line with Government Guidance and sector specific advice to make it a safe and enjoyable visit for you, as well as a positive environment for our team. The Egham Museum Trust has held ongoing conversations with staff and volunteers. Our supporters told us what they wanted to see us do, and we have implemented as many of these changes as possible. We have carried out a Risk Assessment, have complied with the Government’s Guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19 as outlined in the ‘Five Steps to Safer Working Together‘, and have received Visit Britain’s ‘We’re Good To Go’ COVID-19 industry standard and consumer mark.

We have put in place the following protocols:
- Regular cleaning of high contact areas throughout the day
- Increased cleaning of the space
- Limited total building occupancy and group numbers
- Timed group entry
- Advance booking ticketing (we will collect basic data to support the NHS’s Test and Trace processes)
- Provided hand sanitiser
- Staff to wear face visors or be behind screens
- Visitors are required wear their own face coverings
- Clear signage for social distancing 2 metres apart and for visitor hygiene etiquette
The Museum is home to Egham-by-Runnymede Historical Society’s shop. The Society have implemented the following protocols:
- While the Society can only accept cash, volunteers and visitors will be asked to sanitise their hands both before and after handling cash.
- All material is provided in clear pouches and will be wiped regularly.
- While they ask you to keep browsing of products to a minimum, if you do wish to explore the range, visitors will be asked to sanitise their hands both before and after.
We know this is a challenging time for everyone and ask our visitors to kindly respect each other and our team during their time with us; together, we hope your visit will not only be safe but fun and informative.
As a small community museum, we rely on grants and donations to cover activity and operational costs. Please consider making a donation to The Egham Museum.
Date: Thursday 19th March 2020
In response to increasing concerns around the impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), and following recent government advice, we have made the decision to close the Egham Museum from Thursday 19th March until further notice. It is important we consider the health and wellbeing of our visitors, staff, volunteers and local community during this difficult period.
While our museum is closed, you will see a lot more activity on our social media channels, more website resources, and very soon, our collection catalogue will be available online, so stay in touch!
We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support, patience and understanding. In a situation without precedence, now is a time to be kind, to support our most vulnerable, and work together.
Please keep in touch via our social media channels and we look to welcoming you back to the Museum at the Literary Institute in the not too distant future.