Make your own paper bouquet
Inspired by the story of Lorna Scott (you can find out more about her here), we have put together this make your own paper bouquet activity!

For each flower you will need:
– 2 sheets of A4 paper (1 for the flower, 1 for the stem)
– a pair of scissors
Paper Rose
- Take one sheet of paper and cut 4 10cm squares out of it.
- Fold each square in half, half again and then diagonally in half until you have a triangle.
- Cut a teardrop shape out of the triangle, with the pointed end being where all the folds are (as if you were making a paper snowflake).
- Repeat with all of the squares.
- Unfold the squares.
- On the first square, cut out one of the ‘petals’. Then join the end petals together by gluing one petal on top of the other.
- Repeat with the other square, but cut out two adjacent petals on the 2nd square, 3 adjacent petals on the 3rd square and 4 on the 4th square.
- Glue the 4th cone/circle into the 3rd, the 3rd into the 2nd and the 2nd into the 1st.
- Roll the curled edges of each petal outwards slightly.
- Roll the piece of green paper into a stem.
- Glue the stem to the bottom of the rose.
Paper Hyacinths (makes 3)
- Take a piece of the coloured (not green) paper and cut into thirds (cutting parallel to the long edge).
- Take 2 pieces of green paper and cut them in half (cutting parallel to the short edge).
- Take one of the green halves and cut it into thirds (cutting parallel to the short edge).
- Take a green piece of paper (i.e. a half), a small piece of green paper (one of the thirds) and a strip of coloured paper.
- Roll the larger piece of green paper diagonally until you have a long thin stick and glue the flap down.
- Take the coloured strip of paper and make cuts about 1cm apart all along the long edge, leaving about 1cm uncut.
- Loosely roll each tassel on the strip of coloured paper.
- Put some glue along the uncut edge of the coloured strip.
- Stick one end of the coloured strip to one end of the green stick and carefully wrap the coloured strip around the green stick, slowly getting lower down. (Think like a helter-skelter)
- Take the smaller piece of green paper and cut out some thin leaf shapes.
- Glue these leaves to the stem of the flower.